The next trailer i am going to conduct my research on is the romantic comedy "500 DAYS OF SUMMER". I am exploring a range of genres to open my mind to the different genre specific conventions trailers consist of. 
First of all, the MPAA is the American regulatory classification body, the age rating of the film trailer is shown, warning audiences of the nature of the trailer and what it contains, eg, aged PG-13 indicates there's material in the film that may not be suitable for children under the age of 13. A PG-13 movie could go "beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category.".
This is a convention i must include in my trailer if i choose to make one.
The introduction of the main characters in a romantic film is essential in the opening scenes of a trailer as it shows the audience automatically that the theme is love as for example in the opening scene of 500 days of summer, there is immediately a common interest between the two, in this case it is a love of 'The Smiths'.
The close up on the typical girl/boy flirting facial expressions are also a convention in trailers of the romantic genre as they are very stereotypical of flirting, so the camera capturing these facial expressions (with a two-shot) is essential in signifying the genre to the audience.
Another convention of a trailer is the institution being shown to give the trailer authenticity. And to also show that this is the company that produced the film. Fox are a well known, reliable film producers who have built up an excellent reputation which attracts the audience when they see the logo.
One of the main conventions in a romantic trailer is the focus on the characters, this creates a bond with the audience and a connection which gives further persuasion to go and see the film, as the trailer connects emotionally with the audience.
This film switches through time unconventionally as it skips through 500 days backwards and forwards, so the camera shots reveal throughout the relationship who has the balance of power.
As here for example the relationship has just started so the camera is eye level which represents equal love and passion. Conversely, when the film shows 'Summer' (the woman) breaking up with the man, the camera emphasis's her power position using a low angle and a high angle for the mans reaction. So the use of camera angles in a romantic trailer is essential in getting the narrative across to the audience in limited time.
Reaction shots are also a convention of a romantic trailer as the focus is on the two characters, which also further creates emotional bondage with the audience who feel emotionally involved as they might relate to the story (/reactions/loss of power/wanting an ex back/outside perspective) so feel implored to watch the film at the cinema.
The speed of the cuts increases as the trailer goes on, which reflects the intensity of the relationship and the build up to the climax, further intriguing the reader.
A major convention of a trailer is at the closing cut there is information for the audience on the release date or 'coming soon'. Usually when the trailer has an actual date for release, the trailer is a theatrical compared to a teaser 'coming soon' trailer.
The length of a theatrical trailer is around 2-3 minutes
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